Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kindergarten Keith Haring

Keith Haring I feel is a great artist for many different grade levels to look at. So a great first artist for my kindergarten students to look at. With his use of people, shapes, lines, colors, and story of his work. I start by showing them an old YouTube video of him working in the subway.

I start by asking them what shapes they see in his people. As they suggest ideas, I draw it for them. But in general I aim for them to notice big oval body with small oval arms and legs. With a medium circle head. 

(Sorry I don't have many pictures of this process due to kindergarten being well, kindergarten.)
Now a small difference from Harings work to this one is that I have the kids add details to the person to make them like themselves. This gets them thinking about details and themselves.

Once the person is drawn, we add the "dancing lines" and we discuss all the different types of lines they could use. And I really make them put a lot on there. 

Last we talk about the most important thing, no scribbles! I got them into a little saying "say no to scribbles!"