Van Gogh, a staple of the art room projects. For my interpretation of this magical man, we do a field of sunflowers. I start by reading my 1st grade the book "Van Gogh and the Sunflowers". We talk about what they see in the books design and how he was treated by the people. I actually read parts over the course of the project for it is a big long for 1st to hear in all one setting.

But as we go through the project, I first have the students create a big sheet of yellow and red swirls. When it mixes it makes an orange and the swirls relate back to Van Gogh. We talk about his brushstrokes and not over mixed colors.
Next we do the paper for the field itself. Pretty much the same as the orangey paper ( they do it on 18x12 white paper) but starting with blue and white that they paint onto the top half of paper folded hot dog style. We discuss horizon line and the paint not over mixed again. Once they are done with the blue I add some yellow for their grass. To add some texture to it with the help of a fork they scrap into the surface of the bottom half of the paper.
Once all dry we get to cutting! I show them a couple of pictures of landscapes and ask them what they see happening to the size of objects in the picture. So I have them start with circles near the horizon line and get bigger as they get closer to the bottom. Last they can add some brown centers and white poofy clouds with the help cotton balls they rub over the surface.
I found this project really fun and interesting to do near the end of the year and I used it as my final focus of my SLO (working on hand eye coordination). Hard part is really getting the students to cut the small circles, might try to have them use hole punches for the smalls. Works those muscles.