Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bug Prints

On the continue quest to integrate classroom content. The last project I did with  my 2nd was about bugs! Now because bugs come in multiples a lot, went with printmaking!

Now part of this has changed from year to year to make it easier. It will change again next year. But what I do is show them some pictures of bugs/insects and have them tell me what they notice about the body. The goal being them notice the symmetry of the bugs body. So what I have them do is take their foam piece and trace it onto their paper. Then fold the paper in half and draw along the fold with only half the body. Then trace it with sharpie and let it bleed through. This year I introduced tracing paper and doing it that way. But once traced I have them draw it one more time onto the foam with the foam underneath and pushing it through the paper. 

Next the fun part. PRINTING! We do proofing first to make sure it looks good and they made their lines deep enough. Plus this gives them practice of how to use the bayers and ink. Problem this year was my 2nd was kind of a full class so bayers got mixed up and such. 

Once practiced and proof, we do color and I demonstrate to them that they can double print or triple print if they would like to. 

I like doing this project for many reasons. One being my joy of printmaking and it really is the only time I did it this year. Darn time. But I will be changing the method of how to get their design onto the plate and design it in general. 

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