Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bottle Bobble Heads

BOBBLE HEADS!! So this project has evolved over the years. It original started as scientist but with the grade levels curriculum change focusing on animals and their adaptions. But I original got inspired by my teacher while I was student teaching who did bobble heads and modified it into this amazingness. 

SOO. I am cheap, like most art teachers but clever as a lever. (Not sure what that means but just go with it.) I had the students use recycled bottles for the body and to help weight it down, rocks (it is actually kitty litter but I tell them rocks. It is tidy cats dust free 24/7 and a 25 lb takes care of one class just about).  Then they take a piece of wire and have to wrap it around a ball of newspaper and paper mache the body and head. Over the years this has changed a bit to make it easier because the head is the hardest part. 

We first do a layer of newspaper, not covering the very bottom of the bottle and the wire part of the neck. Then we do white and I show them that if you fold and layer the paper, it will create a bump. I also show them how to add pipe cleaners for other parts like arms, legs, wings, and etc. Some kids really go with it and I ended up needing two days just to get this part done for how intense some got.  


Now before they can paint, they need my approval of a design. Now it is an animal they are studying in science so they know how this animal looks and adaptions they could add. But just in case they forget the colors or what more detail. My school is lucky enough to have chrome books for them to look up their animal. They know how to use them already due to using them for animal research. But they are required to write down what adaptions their animal has and if they added it or not. Along with describe what they plan to do. I give them the tip to do a base coat of paint then do details the next day. (Similar to the bottle banks, I use bottles and paper mache' a lot in 3rd. Such a  horrible thing.)

Once students are done, I introduce them to the idea of a self-assessment. Just a simple few questions asking about how they feel they did, what they would change, what grade do they give themselves, and about their animal and what they included. 

I love this project and look forward to it every year. It is so open and has such possibilities. Every year this is a challenge though so adjustments are made. I think for next I will change my demo video for how to add the head again. It is such a challenge to do. 

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