Friday, July 8, 2016

Superhero Poster

Superheros are all the rage right now. But this project I have been doing for, well since I student taught. And it is one of my favorites. It has changed over the years but still great to do.

I start this project off in a very fun and interesting way. By letting my students climb my counters. THERE IS A REASON! I teach them gesture drawing. I first demonstrate how to draw a person in a pose really quickly using scribbles. I tell them this is the one time to scribble. I have them observe how I move my arm and the direction of the scribbles themselves. So from here they practice. 

After a day of just learning how to draw people. We move onto the creation of the character. I have them write down 5 things they are good at. ANYTHING AT ALL. Burping the alphabet even. And from there they create a character built around that skill. I use the superhero idea as a way to explain you are creating a character and a story. And the examples I show them have the character as that main focus and demonstrating their skill. I let them use chrome books to look up picture references for poses or items they want to include. I use picture references so silly not to let them. Just go over copy right laws so they understand they are not coping or making a fan poster of a sports player. 

Now about mid way through their final, I did a mid-process critique. So got out post its and had them go around the room and leave notes, comments, or advice to their classmates. I think it really helped some and had them understand the process more. 

Once all done, we did large group critique. By this point my 5th are pros at it. 

All up for everyone to enjoy their final work as elementary students. 

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